Sozos)在第一次巴尔干战争期间的比扎尼战役(英语:Battle of Bizani)中去世,在埃诺西斯运动中留下了持久的印记,是1931年塞浦路斯起义(英语:1931Cyprusrevolt)之前最重要的事件之一。希腊裔的学校和法院暂停了活动,尼科西亚的一家法院升起了一面纪念索佐斯的旗帜。这违反了法律,因
OSA Archivum Litván, György. The Hungarian Revolution of 1956: Reform, Revolt and Repression. London: Longman. 1996. Tőkés, Rudolf L. Hungary's Negotiated
French Empire, celebrated in pomp in Paris in the Exposition coloniale of 1931 ... received its decisive death blow. Yves Beigbeder. Judging War Crimes
Early Neolithic Pioneer Maritime Colonization of Mainland Europe through Cyprus and the Aegean Islands. PLOS Genetics. 5 June 2014, 10 (6): e1004401. PMC 4046922