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装甲巡洋舰是十九世纪晚期到20世纪初期的一种巡洋舰,它的火力能击败战列舰外的所有舰种,面对战列舰时又有足够速度逃离。尽管吨位各有差异,该种舰与同时代的另一巡洋舰主要分类——防护巡洋舰的区别就是两侧船壳有装甲带来保护自己。最早的此舰种是沙俄海军俄国海军一级上将号巡洋舰英语Russian cruiser General-Admiral,1873年下水,使用风帆-汽轮混合动力。

1891法国 Dupuy de Lôme号



  • Lambert, Nicholas A. (2002). Sir John Fisher's Naval Revolution (Studies in Maritime History). University of South Carolina Press. ISBN 1-57003-492-3.
  • Mahan, Alfred Thayer, Naval strategy compared and contrasted with the principles and practice of military operations on land: Lectures delivered at the U.S. Naval war college, Newport, R.I., between the years 1887 and 1911 (University of Michigan Library, 1915). ISBN n/a. At Google Books. Accessed 14 April 2012.
  • Massie, Robert K. (1991). Dreadnought: Britain, Germany and the coming of the great war. Random House. ISBN 0-394-52833-6.
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