司法能动主义(英语:Judicial activism)又称司法积极主义,是一种司法哲学,是指法官为适应当下的社会趋势,可以不遵循旧有的成文法和判决先例进行判决,以免造成不良的社会后果。新的判决又会形成新的判例。与其相反的是司法克制主义(英语:judicial restraint),司法克制主义主张法官应该严格遵守成文法和判决先例进行审判。司法能动主义萌芽于19世纪美国[1][2]。1947年1月,小亚瑟·史列辛格在《财富》杂志一篇名为〈1947年最高法院〉(The Supreme Court: 1947)的文章中首次提到了“司法能动主义”一词[3][4]。
- 崔永东著;上海市中国特色社会主义理论体系研究中心、上海市社会科学界联合会编 上海人民出版社 2016年 第148页. 《司法改革与司法公正》.
- Wolfe, Christopher. Judicial activism. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 1997 [2020-06-13]. ISBN 0-8476-8531-4. (原始内容存档于2020-06-14).
- Kmiec, Keenan D. The Origin and Current Meanings of 'Judicial Activism'. Cal. L. Rev. 2004, 92 (5): 1441–1477. JSTOR 3481421. doi:10.2307/3481421.
Schlesinger's article profiled all nine Supreme Court justices on the Court at that time and explained the alliances and divisions among them. The article characterized Justices Black, Douglas, Murphy, and Rutledge as the 'Judicial Activists' and Justices Frankfurter, Jackson, and Burton as the 'Champions of Self Restraint.' Justice Reed and Chief Justice Vinson comprised a middle group.
- 王杏飞著 厦门:厦门大学出版社 2014 第24页. 《能动司法的表达与实践》.
- Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law (1996), Merriam-Webster. ISBN 0-87779-604-1
- Bryan A. Garner. Black's Law Dictionary, 8th Edition. West Group. 1999. ISBN 0-314-15199-0.
- Greenhouse, Linda. Becoming Justice Blackmun: Harry Blackmun's Supreme Court Journey. New York: Times Books. 2005 [2020-06-13]. ISBN 978-0-8050-7791-9. (原始内容存档于2020-06-25).
- Paul O. Carrese, 2003. The Cloaking of Power: Montesquieu, Blackstone, and the Rise of Judicial Activism (Chicago: University of Chicago Press).
- Duncan Kennedy, 1998. A Critique of Adjudication (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press).
- Carrol D. Kilgore, 1977. Judicial Tyranny: An Inquiry into the Integrity of the Federal Judiciary (Thomas Nelson). ISBN 978-0-8407-4060-1
- 105th Cong., I @ Sess. I, 1997. Judicial Activism: Defining the Problem and its Impact: Testimony before the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Federalism & Property Rights (U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., Congressional Sales Office Publishers (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)), 205pp. ISBN 0-16-055917-0
- Sterling Harwood, 1996. Judicial Activism: A Restrained Defense (London: Austin & Winfield Publishers), 167pp. ISBN 1-880921-68-5.
- Christopher Wolfe, 1997. Judicial Activism, 2nd ed. (Totowa, NJ: Rowman & Littfield Publishers, Inc.).
- Kenneth M. Holland, editor, 1991. Judicial Activism in Comparative Perspective (Palgrave Macmillan).
- Ronald Dworkin, 1988. Law's Empire (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press).
- Alexander M. Bickel, 1986. The Least Dangerous Branch 2nd ed. (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press).
- Arthur Selwyn Miller, 1982. Toward Increased Judicial Activism (Greenwood Press).
- Ronald Dworkin, 1977. Taking Rights Seriously (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press).
- Lino A. Graglia, 1976. Disaster by Decree (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press).
- Michael Rebell and Arthur R. Block, 1982. Educational Policy Making and the Courts: An Empirical Study of Judicial Activism (Chicago: University of Chicago Press).
- H. L. A. Hart, 1961. The Concept of Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
- Kermit Roosevelt, October 15, 2006. The Myth of Judicial Activism: Making Sense of Supreme Court Decisions (Yale University Press Publishers), 272pp. ISBN 0-300-11468-0
- James B. Kelly, July 30, 2006. Governing With the Charter: Legislative And Judicial Activism And Framer's Intent (Law and Society Series) (UBC Press Publishers), 336pp. ISBN 0-7748-1212-5
- Rory Leishman, May 2006. Against Judicial Activism: The Decline of Freedom And Democracy in Canada (McGill-Queen's University Press Publishers), 310pp. ISBN 0-7735-3054-1
- Mark Sutherland, 2005. Judicial Tyranny: The New Kings of America? ISBN 0-9753455-6-7
- Mark R. Levin, 2005. Men In Black: How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America ISBN 0-89526-050-6
- S.Hrg. 108–717, 2004. Judicial Activism vs. Democracy: What are the National Implications of the Massachusetts Goodridge Decision and the Judicial Invalidation of Traditional Marriage Laws?(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (U.S. G.P.O., Supt. of Docs., Congressional Sales Office Publishers), 263pp. Serial No. J-108-59. GPO Stock No. 552-070-32572-7, ISBN 0-16-074535-7
- Phyllis Schlafly, 2004. The Supremacists: The Tyranny Of Judges And How To Stop It ISBN 1-890626-55-4
- S. P. Sathe, December 2003. Judicial Activism in India (Oxford University Press Publishers), 406pp. ISBN 0-19-566823-5
- David Barton, 2003. Restraining Judicial Activism (Wallbuilder Press). ISBN 1-932225-14-5
- Robert Bork, 2003. Coercing Virtue: The Worldwide Rule of Judges (AEI Press) ISBN 0-8447-4162-0
- Stephen P. Powers and Stanley Rothman, 2002. The Least Dangerous Branch? Consequences of Judicial Activism (Praeger Paperbacks). ISBN 0-275-97536-3
- Herman Schwartz, editor, 2002. The Rehnquist Court: Judicial Activism on the Right ISBN 0-8090-8073-7.
- David Gwynn Morgan, 2001. A Judgment Too Far? Judicial Activism and the Constitution (Cork University Press). ISBN 1-85918-229-1
- Bradley C. Canon and Charles A. Johnson, 1998. Judicial Policies: Implementation and Impact 2nd ed. (Congressional Quarterly Books).
- William P. Murchison, 1982. Judicial Politics Gone Wild: A Case Study of Judicial Activism in Texas (Washington Legal Foundation), 11pp
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