File:Nichols plot.svgDescriptionNichols plot.svg English: Nichols plot created by Engelec with Sysquake with the following code: scale('linlog', [-2*pi,0,0.01,5]); ngrid; nichols(20
File:Balding nichols cdf.svgGreek letters in the legend. set term svg size 800,600 enhanced font 'Arial, 24' set output 'balding_nichols_cdf.svg' set samples 500 set xrange [0:1.0]
File:Balding nichols pdf.svgAuthor: Ika # Date: 08/16/2014 set term svg size 800,600 enhanced font 'Arial, 24' set output 'balding_nichols_pdf.svg' set samples 500 set xrange [0:1.0]
File:Back Matter (IA jstor-104398).pdfonit by Mr.Irn, n. 460, p. 686.
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