DSL.sk - Sprístupnený nový prekladač postavený na umelej inteligencii, tvrdí že je najlepší. DSL.s. 2017-08-30 [2020-08-10]. (原始内容存档于2020-07-03). Prekladač rovnako ako prekladače najlepších existujúcich konkurentov využíva techniku umelej inteligencie a strojového učenia neurónové siete. Podľa tvorcov ale používa inú výrazne vylepšenú architektúru neurónových sietí s inak prepojenými neurónmi ako doterajšie prekladače, čo mu umožňuje prekladať jazyky prirodzenejšie. Detaily technológie zatiaľ nezverejní. (The translator, like the translators of the best existing competitors, uses the technique of artificial intelligence and neural network machine learning. According to the creators, however, it uses a different, significantly improved architecture of neural networks with differently connected neurons than previous translators, which allows it to translate languages more naturally. Details of the technology will not be published yet.)
Pouget-Abadie, Jean; Bahdanau, Dzmitry; van Merrienboer, Bart; Cho, Kyunghyun; Bengio, Yoshua. Overcoming the Curse of Sentence Length for Neural Machine Translation using Automatic Segmentation. Proceedings of SSST-8, Eighth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation (Stroudsburg, PA, USA: Association for Computational Linguistics). 2014: 78–85. arXiv:1409.1257. doi:10.3115/v1/w14-4009.
Larousserie, David; Leloup, Damien. Quel est le meilleur service de traduction en ligne ? [What is the best online translation service?]. Le Monde. 2017-08-29 [2019-09-01]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-31) (法语). Sur un bref extrait d'une tribune, au style sobre d'un ministre, DeepL a également obtenu de meilleurs résultats que les autres services, grâce à des tournures de phrase plus « françaises » et en évitant un petit piège : les quatre autres ont traduit « to discuss these issues further » par « discuter de ces questions plus loin », ce qui n'est pas correct. DeepL a lui correctement traduit par « discuter de ces questions plus en profondeur ». (In a brief excerpt from a podium, in the sober style of a minister, DeepL also obtained better results than the other services, thanks to more "French" turns of phrase and by avoiding a small trap: the other four translated "to discuss these issues further" by "discuter de ces questions plus loin", which is not correct. DeepL correctly translated it as "discuter de ces questions plus en profondeur".)
Verlaan, Daniël. Duits bedrijf belooft betere vertalingen dan Google Translate [German company promises better translations than Google Translate]. rtlZ.nl (RTL Group). 2017-08-29 [2017-09-01]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-08) (荷兰语). Volgens DeepL worden hun vertaalresultaten door professionele vertalers ongeveer drie keer zo vaak als het beste resultaat gekozen. Uit een paar testen blijkt inderdaad dat DeepL Translator betere vertalingen biedt dan Google Translate als het gaat om Nederlands naar Engels en vice versa. (According to DeepL, their translation results are chosen by professional translators about three times as often as the best result. A few tests have indeed shown that DeepL Translator offers better translations than Google Translate when it comes to Dutch to English and vice versa.)
Arriva DeepL, il traduttore automatico che sfida Google [Here comes DeepL, the automatic translator that challenges Google]. la Repubblica. 2017-08-29 [2019-09-01]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-01) (意大利语). Il team della DeepL utilizza questo supercomputer per addestrare le reti di traduzione neurale su una vasta collezione di testi multilingue. Durante l'addestramento, le reti esaminano una moltitudine di traduzioni e imparano a tradurre in maniera indipendente, con una grammatica e una formulazione corrette. ... Nel corso dell'ultimo decennio DeepL ha raccolto oltre un miliardo di testi tradotti di alta qualità, collezionando il miglior materiale d'addestramento possibile per una rete di traduzione neurale. (The DeepL team uses this supercomputer to train neural translation networks on a large collection of multilingual texts. During training, the networks examine a multitude of translations and learn to translate independently, with correct grammar and wording. ... Over the past decade, DeepL has collected over a billion high-quality translated texts, collecting the best possible training material for a neural translation network.)