
Quick Facts 积雪草属, 科学分类 ...
科学分类 编辑
界: 植物界 Plantae
演化支 维管植物 Tracheophyta
演化支 被子植物 Angiosperms
演化支 真双子叶植物 Eudicots
演化支 菊类植物 Asterids
目: 伞形目 Apiales
科: 伞形科 Apiaceae
亚科: 参棕亚科 Mackinlayoideae
属: 积雪草属 Centella
L., 1760


  • Odacmis Raf.
  • Solandra L.
  • Trisanthus Lour.



  • Centella abbreviata (A.Rich.) Nannf.
  • Centella affinis (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Adamson
  • Centella annua M.Schub. & B.-E.van Wyk
  • 积雪草 Centella asiatica (L.) Urb.
  • Centella asiatica Linnaeus, 1753
  • Centella brachycarpa M.Schub. & B.-E.van Wyk
  • Centella caespitosa Adamson
  • Centella calcaria M.Schub. & B.-E.van Wyk
  • Centella callioda (Cham. & Schltdl.) Drude
  • Centella capensis (L.) Domin
  • Centella capensis Linnaeus, 1759
  • Centella cochlearia (Domin) Adamson
  • Centella comptonii Adamson
  • Centella coriacea Nannf.
  • Centella cryptocarpa M.T.R.Schub. & B.-E.van Wyk
  • Centella debilis (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Drude
  • Centella dentata Adamson
  • Centella didymocarpa Adamson
  • Centella difformis (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Adamson
  • Centella dolichocarpa M.Schub. & B.-E.van Wyk
  • Centella erecta (L.fil.) Fernald
  • Centella eriantha (Rich.) Drude
  • Centella flexuosa (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Drude
  • Centella fourcadei Adamson
  • Centella fusca (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Adamson
  • Centella glabra DC., 1830
  • Centella glabrata L.
  • Centella glauca M.Schub. & B.-E.van Wyk
  • Centella graminifolia Adamson
  • Centella gymnocarpa M.T.R.Schub. & B.-E.van Wyk
  • Centella laevis Adamson
  • Centella lanata Compton
  • Centella lasiophylla Adamson
  • Centella linifolia (L.fil.) Drude
  • Centella longifolia (Adamson) M.T.R.Schub. & B.-E.van Wyk
  • Centella macrocarpa (Rich.) Adamson
  • Centella macrodus (Spreng.) B.L.Burtt
  • Centella montana (Cham. & Schltdl.) Domin
  • Centella obtriangularis Cannon
  • Centella pilosa M.Schub. & B.-E.van Wyk
  • Centella pottebergensis Adamson
  • Centella recticarpa Adamson
  • Centella restioides Adamson
  • Centella rupestris (Eckl. & Zeyh.) Adamson
  • Centella scabra Adamson
  • Centella sessilis Adamson
  • Centella stenophylla Adamson
  • Centella stipitata Adamson
  • Centella ternata M.Schub. & B.-E.van Wyk
  • Centella thesioides M.Schub. & B.-E.van Wyk
  • Centella tridentata (L.fil.) Drude ex Domin
  • Centella tridentata Drude
  • Centella triloba (Thunb.) Drude
  • Centella tussilaginifolia (Baker) Domin
  • Centella umbellata M.Schub. & B.-E.van Wyk
  • Centella uniflora (Colenso) Nannf.
  • Centella villosa L.
  • Centella virgata (L.fil.) Drude
  • Odacmis fascicularis Raf.


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