酵素誘導物(英文:Enzyme inducer)或稱酶誘導劑是通過與酶結合併激活酶或通過增加編碼該酶的基因的表達來增加酶的代謝活性的一種藥物。它與酵素抑制物相反。 酶激活劑 酶抑制劑 Stanbury PF, Whitaker A, Hall SJ. Principles of Fermentation
Li, Zhigang She, Jie Yuan. SZ-685C, a marine anthraquinone, is a potent inducer of apoptosis with anticancer activity by suppression of the Akt/FOXO pathway
doi:10.1083/jcb.35.2.c11. Deter RL, De Duve C. Influence of glucagon, an inducer of cellular autophagy, on some physical properties of rat liver lysosomes
下,行為和知覺系統兩者同樣受到艾賓浩斯錯覺所愚弄。 Roberts B, Harris MG, Yates TA. The roles of inducer size and distance in the Ebbinghaus illusion (Titchener circles). Perception