巴蘭基爾縣是印度的一個縣,位於該國東部,由奧里薩邦負責管轄,面積6,575平方公里,每年平均降雨量1,443毫米,識字率為65.5%,2011年人口1,648,574,人口密度每平方公里251人。 官方网站 Profile of Balangir District Globallinks factoids on Balangir
some cats becoming Internet celebrities. Chuck Norris facts – Satirical factoids about martial artist and actor Chuck Norris that became popular culture
Confidential. Hyperion. 2002年5月: 208–209. ISBN 0-7868-8722-2. Subtitled Factoids: Weaving the Web (DVD)使用|format=需要含有|url= (帮助). Sony. 2002. Gross, Edward
University of Washington Press. 1996. Mills, C.E. Bioluminescence and other factoids about Aequorea, a hydromedusa. 2007 [2010-06-10]. (原始内容存档于2010-10-06).