poète,The Blood of a Poet) (1930) 《永恒的回忆》(L'Éternel retour(英语:L'Éternel retour),TheEternalReturn) (1943) 《美女与野兽》(La Belle et la Bête(英语:Beauty and the Beast
attempt include Robin Swicord (Practical Magic), Charlie Kaufman (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind) and Jim Taylor (Sideways). Cathy Dunkley; Dave
12月:《魔戒三部曲:王者再臨》(The Lord of the Rings: TheReturn of the King) 1月:《少女奧薩瑪》(Osama) 2月:《再見列寧!》(Good Bye, Lenin!) 3月:《王牌冤家》(Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)