ISBN 978-0-3002-5112-8 Jagchid, Sechin, The Mongol Khans and Chinese Buddhism andTaoism, The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies
道),但通常偏向於民間信仰,信仰帶有明顯的功利目的,對三教的學說、經典和教義也甚少瞭解。少數有確實信仰者的主要宗教信仰包括漢傳佛教、道教(英语:Taoism in Malaysia)(含道派和法派教門)、基督教和天主教,其他則有伊斯蘭教、興都教(英语:Hinduism in Malaysia)、德教(英语:De
Guinon (1984) 《道教:魔法、神秘主義》Taoism: The Magic, the Mysticism (1993) 《戰爭的形而上學:傳統世界的戰役、勝利和死亡》Metaphysics of War: Battle, Victory andDeath in the World of Tradition
the national scene. … Besides Christianity, other religions like Taoism, Buddhism and Islam also organise their respective processions during their big
Karma. Parvesh singla. : 5–7 [4 June 2011]. GGKEY:0XFSARN29ZZ. Eva Wong, Taoism, Shambhala Publications, ISBN 978-1-59030-882-0, pp. 193 "Karma" in: John