美國烹飪學院Change in Endowment Market Value from FY 2010 to FY 2011. 2011 NACUBO-Commonfund Study of Endowments. National Association of College and University Business
马来西亚连锁超市列表 Hypermarket(英语:Servay Hypermarket) 十合 Songmart 环球 (The Store ) 阳光 Ta Kiong Teow Soon Huat 莲花超市(前身为萬客隆和特易购) 同发超值市场(TF Value -Mart) TLC Group 青苗超市(TMG Mart) UO Superstore
Fetch-and-add int value ) { __asm__ volatile("lock; xaddl %0, %1" : "+r" (value ), "+m" (*variable) // input+output : // No input-only : "memory" ); return value ; } Test-and-set
类型双关 real to an integer converts it to the truncated value . This method would translate the binary value of the floating-point number into whatever it is as
GNU Smalltalkremember value : 'world' "=> Hello, world!" 从一个方法返回由两个闭包构成的一个数组: Integer extend [ asClosure [ | value | value := self. ^{ [ :x | value := x ]. [ value ] } ]