spire(英语:Spire (mollusc)) is depressed, dome-shaped with an apex that is frequently eroded and red. The shell contains 4 to 5 whorl(英语:Whorl (mollusc))s
magnifica)的螺殼甚至可達150 mm長。螺殼呈捲管狀,紡錘形,有長而尖的殼尖(英语:Spire (mollusc))。 Axial sculpture(英语:Sculpture (mollusc)) is absent or feebly developed. The aperture is
crowded at the shoulder, base and middle so as to form bands. The spire(英语:Spire (mollusc)) is similarly marked. The 殼口 is white. 织锦芋螺主要棲息於红海及印度洋-太平洋(印度