要求国土安全部第二任部長迈克尔·切尔托夫留任部長一職直至2009年1月21日。 引用错误:没有为名为history的参考文献提供内容 Murray, Shailagh; Kane, Paul. Obama Picks Confirmed, But Clinton Is on Hold. The Washington
Results. Iowa Democratic Party. [2008-08-29]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-15). Murray, Shailagh. Biden, Dodd Withdraw From Race. The Washington Post. 2008-01-04 [2008-08-29]
Vecsey, Laura. Specter leads in poll. The Patriot-News. 2010-03-03. Murray, Shailagh; Kane, Paul. Outsider candidates for Congress seek insider help in