根據薩頓等人在2001年提出的中期記憶的定義 ,CREB在長期記憶被誘導之前是完全消失的。 和年齡相關的中期記憶衰退 Grimes MT, Smith M, Li X, Darby-King A, Harley CW, McLean JH. Mammalian intermediate-term memory: new findings
Jerzy Neyman and Abraham Wald) Neyman, Jerzy. Note on an Article by Sir Ronald Fisher. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B. 1956, 18 (2):
1968: Walter Christaller 1966: G. R. Crone 1964: J. N. L. Baker 1963: H. C. Darby 1962: Carl Troll 1960: J. A. Steers 1959: Gerald Seligman 1958: Roberto