Aberbach; Gillian Peele. Crisis of Conservatism?: The Republican Party, the Conservative Movement, and American Politics After Bush. Oxford UP. 2011: 260
傳統主義西班牙國家工團主義進攻委員會方陣 共和社会运动(英语:RepublicanSocialMovement) 葡萄牙 國民聯盟 国家工团(葡萄牙)(英语:National Syndicalists (Portugal)) 民族复兴独立运动/葡萄牙右翼党(英语:Independent Movement for the National
"Finding a cure for war: Women's politics and the peace movement in the 1920s," Journal of Social History, Fall 1990, Vol. 24 Issue 1, pp 69–86 in JSTOR
Aberbach; Gillian Peele (编). Crisis of Conservatism?: The Republican Party, the Conservative Movement, and American Politics After Bush. Oxford University