Brace, Keith. Portrait of Bristol. London: Robert Hale. 1996. ISBN 0-7091-5435-6. Four figures on Arno's Gateway. Public Monument and Sculpture Association
Trust, [21 October 2010], (原始内容存档于18 February 2011) Thomas Andrew Knight Monument about 15 yards northeast of the northeast corner of the Church of St Mary
Land Bridge National Preserve)、克魯森施滕角國家紀念區(英语:Cape Krusenstern National Monument)及俄罗斯的白令國家公園之间建立密切联系。 古生物学名词审定委员会 (编). 古生物学名词 (2版). 北京: 科学出版社. 2009 [2021-09-24]
Trafalgar Square Fourth plinth project (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Whiteread's "Monument" The Guardian: Mayor attacks generals in battle of Trafalgar Square (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)