與神學研討會。由國際齊克果協會(英语:International Kierkegaard Society)和哥本哈根大学組織。 喬治·帕蒂森(英语:George Pattison),《齊克果所追求的正確生活》(Kierkegaard and the Quest for Unambiguous Life)(2013)。
ISBN 0-52-187266-9. Westfall, Joseph. Boethius: Kierkegaard and The Consolation. Stewart, Jon (编). Kierkegaard and the Patristic and Medieval Traditions. Ashgate
Thought of Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Ortega y Gassett (1996). (American University Studies: Ser. 5, Philosophy; Vol. 176) New York: Peter Lang