期望確認理論(英語:Expectation confirmation theory,簡稱ECT)是一種認知心理學,是將購買或採用後的滿意度解釋為期望、認知績效(英语:Perceivedperformance)和信念不確定的函數,該理論結構是理查·L·奧利佛(Richard L. Oliver)分別在1977年和1980年所寫的一系列兩篇論文中發展起來的。
感知性能(英语:Perceivedperformance) 性能分析 Measuring Program Similarity: Experiments with SPEC CPU Benchmark Suites, CiteSeerX: Computer Performance
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Technologies and Related Urban Planning and Development Concepts: How Are They Perceived and Utilized in Australia?. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market