MSI causes LPC DMA corruption on devices using LPC DMA (floppy, parallelport, serial port in FIR mode) because MSI requests are misinterpreted as DMA cycles
密码键盘(英語:Encrypted PIN Pad),自动取款机的一个组件 终板电位(英語:End-plate potential),神经科学术语 Enhanced ParallelPort, a specification of the IEEE 1284 computer peripheral communication
KoalaPad(英语:KoalaPad) graphics pad/touchpad (third party) 连接接口 Parallelport card (Apple and third party);Serial port card (Apple and third party) 向下相容 Apple II (if Language
Metal Blob Solid Homepage* Parallel Realities Homepage(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Game tips and cheats menu on the PSP version GP2X port Newsforge Article and Interview[永久失效連結]