Literature and Religion (Greek Culture in the Roman World). Horace, Sermones 2.16.19 and Odes 3.30.7 (Cambridge, GB New York: Cambridge University Press)
intybus L.. The Plant List. 2013 [23 March 2014]. (原始内容存档于2020-12-16). Horace, Odes 31, ver 15, ca 30 BC Letter from Monboddo to John Hope, 29 April, 1779;
Odyssea† Hor. = 賀拉斯 Horatius Ars / Ars P. = 《詩藝》 Ars Poetica Carm. = 《歌集(英语:Odes (Horace))》 Carmina Epist. = 《書信集》 Epistulae Epod. = 《长短句集》 Epodi S. / Sat. /