以下国家及地区统一使用北美电话区号计划,即North American Numbering Plan (NANP),包含美国、加拿大及加勒比地区共20個國家,25個地區。 在北美,电话区号不能为0或1开头。由于北美的国际电话区号为1,而且在北美内,1字头表示长途电话,因此北美的电话区号不以1开头。电话区号也不能为
University)的创办。 Northwestern University Biography of Charles Fowler. [2017-05-19]. (原始内容存档于2018-05-01). Pridmore, Jay. Northwestern University: Celebrating
superiority of British people and northwestern Europeans over central and southern Europeans, let alone Africans, Asians, and North American indigenous people
government large tracts of land throughout the Prairies, Canadian North and Northwestern Ontario for white settlement and industrial use. In exchange for