密朗·克拉默Myron | Harry S. Truman. [2021-08-31]. (原始内容存档于2021-08-31). Myron Cady Cramer, Major General , United States Army. [2021-08-31]. (原始内容存档于2018-02-01).
考特尼·惠特尼Case of General Yamashita: A Memorandum》(1949年) 《MacArthur: His Rendezvous with History》(1956年) Courtney Whitney, Major General , United States Army. www
柏德诺任中国战区美军作战司令部参谋长、美国陆军少将,並參與第二次世界大戰與韓戰。 Haydon LeMaire Boatner Major General , United States Army. [2018-03-19]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-06). Chengzhi Wang; Su Chen
美国旗帜列表Chaplains of the United States Army Flag of the United States Army Provost Marshal General Flag of the Inspector General of the United States Army Flag of
阿奇博德·文森特·阿諾德阿諾德與瑪格麗特·特里特·阿諾德結婚[來源請求]。 SYNOPSIS: Major General Archibald Vincent Arnold (ASN: 0-3395), United States Army, was awarded the Army Distinguished