(原始内容存档于2020-08-12). Comm Games swimmer Ariarne Titmus makes school swim carnivala one-sided affair. Gold Coast Bulletin. 2018-03-08 [2018-12-12]. (原始内容存档于2018-04-05)
"Creepin' In" "The Prettiest Thing" "Moon Song" "Above Ground" "Loretta" "LifeIsaCarnival" "She" - Bonus Out Take Tracks "Come Away with Me" - Bonus Out Take
Friendship(相葉雅紀獨唱) Can't Let You Go(櫻井翔獨唱) 時代 Yes? No? CARNIVAL NIGHT part2 虹(二宮和也獨唱) 太陽之世界 WAVE Love Situation a Day in Our Life 赤腳的未來 Hero Yabai-Yabai-Yabai(松本潤獨唱) Song
that "Del Rey is far more self-aware than she has been on her previous albums." El Hunt of DIY wrote that Lust for Lifeis "a record that is prepared to