two; 詩人和執政官 Julius Africanus - two; orator, Christian philosopher Sextus Caecilius Africanus - 法學家 Claudius Agathinus - 物理學家 Gnaeus Julius Agricola - 駐英國的將軍
Roman Britain. pp.137 - 138. The author suggests that the 'Rescript of Honorius' may have been for a place in southern Italy rather than Britain and that
Augsburg. 收集在: Tyche. 第9卷, 1994年, 139–145页 Henning Börm: Westrom. Von Honorius bis Justinian. Kohlhammer, 斯图加特2013年 Heuberger, Rätien, 122页 Thomas Fischer:
extant in the sacristy of the Perugia Cathedral 2 April 1285 – 3 April 1287 Honorius IV Arnolfo di Cambio (disputed) Santa Maria in Aracoeli Original destroyed