(原始内容存档于2012-01-19) (塞尔维亚语). Krkljuš, Ljubomirka, On Sava Tekelija's programme for the renewal of the Serbian state , Zbornik Matice srpske za istoriju 2010, iss. 81
義大利 1996年5月—1998年10月 羅馬諾·普羅迪 左派民主黨、義大利人民黨(英语:Italian People's Party (1994))、義大利復興黨(英语:ItalianRenewal)、綠色聯盟(英语:Federation of the Greens)、民主聯盟(英语:Democratic
revival of humanae literae was only the first step in a greater intellectual renewal" [...] "the very conception of philosophy was changing because its chief