Discoceras, p K360 in Vol K of the Treatise on InvertebratePaleontology(英语:Treatise on InvertebratePaleontology) in the section on the Trocholitidae, pp K359-K362
Treatise on InvertebratePaleontology, Part H, Brachiopoda Revised. [2013-03-06]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-16). Treatise on InvertebratePaleontology, Part H, Brachiopoda
Part H, Brachiopoda (Revised). Treatise on InvertebratePaleontology(英语:Treatise on InvertebratePaleontology). Boulder, Colorado; Lawrence, Kansas: Geological
Chris Pellant and Roger Phillips Treatise on InvertebratePaleontology(英语:Treatise on InvertebratePaleontology), Part L Ammonoidea; Geological Society of