苏德战争World War II ) 第二次世界大战史学(英语:Historiography of World War II ) 第二次世界大战概览列表 俄罗斯之战(英语:The Battle of Russia)——《我们为何而战》宣传电影系列中的一部影片 第二次世界大战的马匹(英语:Horses in World
战马Studies (IAES) The Society of the Military Horse Historic films showing horses in World War I at europeanfilmgateway.eu (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 国晶. 宋朝游历指南.
Phantom the "Phantom Division" Phantom aircraft, a reported incident during World War II in which a Kampfgeschwader 200(英语:Kampfgeschwader 200#Special missions)
貝爾謝巴戰役Rangers Yeomanry Regiment War Diary (7th Mounted Brigade). First World War Diaries AWM4, 9-10-1. Canberra: Australian War Memorial. October 1917 [17
锡耶纳赛马节third Palio, the "Palio of Peace", was held in 1945 by popular acclaim to celebrate the end of World War II and was won by Gioacchino Calabro riding Rubacuori