Residence)。 曾任驻菲律宾高级专员(英语:HighCommissionertothePhilippines) 任内逝世 担任临时代办 本条目引用的公有领域材料来自美国国务院的文档《U.S. Relations With thePhilippines》。 菲律賓—美國關係 United States
misinformation about her current academic visit toPhilippines. Office of the United Nations HighCommissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). 5 May 2017 [2022-08-05]
(原始内容存档于2024-07-26) (英语). Shri Lalduhthlana Ralte appointed as the next HighCommissioner of India to Brunei Darussalam. Ministry of External Affairs, Government
of Ambassador tothe Republic of thePhilippines and Non-Resident HighCommissionertothe United Republic of Tanzania, 5 March 2019. The Ministry of Foreign