列寧格勒包圍戰的影響(英语:Effect of siege on Leningrad) 納粹德國對蘇聯戰俘的暴行(英语:GermanmistreatmentofSovietprisonersofwar) 納粹大屠殺 最终解决方案 「生存空間」 德意志國防軍的暴行(英语:War crimes of the Wehrmacht)
Translated from the German. (原始内容存档于2016-09-25). National Bełżec Museum. Historia Niemieckiego Obozu Zagłady w Bełżcu [History of the Belzec extermination
during the Second World War (1939–1945). As a consequence of seven years of brutal fighting and resistance to Nazi and Soviet military occupation, Poland's