paperback by Hamlyn/General Council of TradeUnion Congress in 1968 with a foreword by George Woodcock 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:工会 维基语录上的Tradeunion语录 英文维基文库中的《1911年版大英百科全書》條目:Trade
Federation of Public Service Unions) 工会总联盟(英语:General Confederation of Trade Unions) 加勒比劳工大会(英语:Caribbean Congress of Labour) 美洲工会联盟(英语:TradeUnion Confederation
themselves, pretty much any trade involving Jews in that era is affected, and the benefit of the doubt is given to claimants. German leftist politicians Klaus
(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Selbstverlag, Berlin 2003. Juri Hälker, Claudius Vellay (Hrsg.): Union Renewal. Gewerkschaften in Erneuerung. Texte aus der internationalen