Saadeh, the party's 'leader for life', was an admirer of Adolf Hitler and influenced by Nazi and fascist ideology. This went beyond adopting a reversed swastika
included dozens of leading fascist officials from parties throughout Europe... Calossi, Enrico. Anti-Austerity Left Parties in the European Union. Competition
to say that the fascist heritage in the new 'post-fascist' AN faded altogether. At least at the beginning, Fini had a double standard of communication,
2015年3月11日,美国财政部宣布因“對威脅烏克蘭和平,安全,穩定或主權或領土完整的行動或政策負責”而将杜金列入制裁名单中,他组建的歐亞青年聯盟(英语:Eurasian YouthUnion)亦被制裁。2015年6月,加拿大宣布跟进制裁。 The Great Awakening vs the Great Reset, Arktos