89,书中解释说埃迪奥斯图谋篡夺他死去的哥哥利奥四世留下的皇位。 Garland书中称她为who never lost sight of political power in the height of her religious zeal。 见Academic American Encyclopedia - Page
London: University of Chicago Press. 2001: 100–102. ISBN 9780226260945. Hurley, D. (1999). "Livia (Wife of Augustus)." Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors
Elizabeth. Women Where They Ought Not to Be? Revising the View of the Medieval World. Journal of Women's History. 2004, 16 (1): 183–189. S2CID 144044065. doi:10
亚美尼亚的菲莉帕(英语:Philippa of Armenia) 库特奈的玛利亚(英语:Maria of Courtenay) 伊琳妮·拉斯卡丽娜 霍亨施陶芬的安娜(英语:Anna of Hohenstaufen) 保加利亚的埃莱娜·阿森尼娜(英语:ElenaAseninaofBulgaria) 狄奥多拉·巴列奥略娜(英语:Theodora