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Spring. Blood and Money: In what might be called the mother of all surprises, Iraq's economy is growing strong, even booming in places. Newsweek International
(Basora), The travels of Pedro Teixeira, 由William F. Sinclair翻译, London: Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1902 A. J. Barker. The First Iraq War, 1914–1918,
巴基斯坦:巴基斯坦财政部(英语:Ministry of Finance (Pakistan)) 圣基茨和尼维斯:圣基茨和尼維斯財政部 伊拉克:伊拉克財政部(英语:Ministry of Finance (Iraq)) 索马里:索馬里財政部(英语:Ministry of Finance (Somalia))