divide in South Africa) 泰国数字鸿沟(英语:Digital divide in Thailand) 加勒比地区数字鸿沟(英语:DigitalrightsintheCaribbean) 数字包容(英语:Digital inclusion) 數位權利 全球網際網路使用率 算法政府(英语:Government
America and non-exclusively intheCaribbean. AFC. [2023-11-25]. (原始内容存档于2024-01-14). AFC signs rights deal with KJSMWorld Corp.. the-AFC. [2023-11-25]. (原始内容存档于2024-01-14)
because the film was distributed on a "states' rights" basis in which licenses to show the film were sold outright. The actual cash generated by The Birth