States Army CommandandGeneralStaff College),簡稱陸軍指參學院(CGSC,或是已經廢除的USACGSC),為美國陸軍在堪薩斯州萊文沃思堡的研究所。1881年由南北戰爭北方將軍威廉·特库姆塞·舍曼創立的步兵騎兵應用學校(School of Application
Department Center andSchool Flag of the United States Army CommandandGeneralStaff College Flag of the United States Army Infantry School Flag of the United
the GeneralStaff. On 28 March 2020, a decree by President Volodymyr Zelensky divided the posts of Commander in Chief and Chief of GeneralStaff. On this
海軍陸戰隊指揮參謀學院(Marine Corps CommandandStaff College)、 和研究生院高級作戰學院(School of Advanced Warfighting)以及遠征作戰學院(Expeditionary Warfare School)。 Accreditation and Degree-granting
ISBN 0-313-29546-8. OCLC 33862161. Crosswell, D. K. R. The Chief of Staff: The Military Career of General Walter Bedell Smith. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press