字符编码CDRA)与编码字符集标识符(coded character set identifiers - CCSIDs) 常常把charset, character set, code page, or CHARMAP等类似意义的术语混用. Unix或Linux不使用代码页概念,它们用charmap,比locales具有更广泛的含义
游戏机模拟器列表Apress. 2010: 53. Although nullDCe is listed as GPLv3 on its Google Code project page, the source, as well as the binaries, are nowhere to be found. ePSXe
Arial Unicode MS1257(Windows Baltic), Code page 1258(Vietnamese), 437(US), 708(Arabic; ASMO 708), 737(希腊文), 775(MS-DOS波罗的语), 850(WE/拉丁1), 852(拉丁2), 855(IBM西里尔语;基础俄语), 857(MS-DOS