Biography (1993). revisionist; favors Chamberlain; says Churchill weakened Britain John Charmley. Churchill's Grand Alliance: The Anglo-American Special Relationship
Almanac Book of Lists. 1984: 190. ISBN 0-552-12371-4. Secret of Winston Churchill's unpopular Sutherland portrait revealed. The Telegraph (London). 10 July
trouper" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Daily Telegraph, 13 July 2008 "Patsy Kensit's grief about father's violent past with Kray Twin" Daily Mirror, 7 July 2008 Patsy Kensit:
Winston SChurchill 1939–1941. London: Book Club Associates. 1983: 468. Sir Robert Rhodes James. Myth Shattering: An Actor Did Not Give Churchill's Speeches