Centineo)。森迪尼奧曾就讀BAK藝術中學(英语:BAK Middle School of the Arts),接著在博卡拉頓社區高中(英语:BocaRatonCommunityHighSchool)就讀九年級與十年級。2012年,他搬到了洛杉磯,他的父母在該年離婚,母親和他住在好萊塢,父親和姊姊則留在佛羅里達州。
Killing Kids: Managing Violence and Gangs in Schools. St. Lucie Press, BocaRaton, Florida, p. 72. ISBN 1-57444-283-X. "War and Peace in Watts" 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期April
宾克·格里森历史博物馆(Bink Glisson Historical Museum) 米兹纳公园博卡艺术中心(Boca Centre for the Arts in Mizner Park) 博卡拉顿艺术博物馆(BocaRaton Museum of Art) 杜博依斯先锋之家(DuBois Pioneer Home)
Baitinger, Brooke. Brightline station coming to BocaRaton by 2021. South Florida Sun Sentinel (BocaRaton, Florida). December 11, 2019 [December 29, 2019]