Centineo)。森迪尼奧曾就讀BAK藝術中學(英语:BAK Middle School of the Arts),接著在博卡拉頓社區高中(英语:BocaRatonCommunityHighSchool)就讀九年級與十年級。2012年,他搬到了洛杉磯,他的父母在該年離婚,母親和他住在好萊塢,父親和姊姊則留在佛羅里達州。
Baitinger, Brooke. Brightline station coming to BocaRaton by 2021. South Florida Sun Sentinel (BocaRaton, Florida). December 11, 2019 [December 29, 2019]
Killing Kids: Managing Violence and Gangs in Schools. St. Lucie Press, BocaRaton, Florida, p. 72. ISBN 1-57444-283-X. "War and Peace in Watts" 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期April
(原始内容存档于2006-03-02). Lide, David R. CRC Handbook of Physics and Chemistry 71st. BocaRaton, Ann Arbor, Boston: CRC Press, inc. 1990–1991: 4-22(这是一页) (英语).