(2005) "Alaska Region: A: Native Village of ArcticVillage" Federal Register 21 March 2005, Volume 70, Number 53, p. 13519 ARCTICVILLAGE, ALASKA - Climate
Distribution of Western Arctic Caribou Herd across the Buckland Valley and Nulato Hills, U.S. Bureau of Land Management Open file Report 23, Alaska C. Michael Hogan
,1980年,在通过了《阿拉斯加国家土地利益法案(英语:Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act)》后,变成国家公园和保护区。公园内北极门荒原(英语:Gates of the Arctic Wilderness)段的大部分地区,覆盖面积为7,167
to Alaska ghost village (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), MSNBC, January 18, 2008 Photogallery of traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) of King Island, Alaska, Oregon