ISBN 0-19-823303-5. Keynes, John Maynard. ATreatiseonProbability. London: Macmillan. 1921. Schmeidler, D. Subjective Probability and Expected Utility without Additivity
(幫助) Turing, Alan M. The Prof's Book: Turing's Treatiseon the Enigma. 1940. In late 1940 Alan Turing wrote a report describing the methods he and his colleagues
惠更斯建築:位於荷蘭奈梅亨,Radboud大學科學系的主要建築之一。 Bell, A. E. Christian Huygens. Lonbdon: Edward Arnold & Co. 1950. Huygens, Christiaan. Treatiseon Light: In Which Are Explained
Keynes's TreatiseonProbability", 1922, JRSS "Review of Pigou's Political Economy of War", 1922, EJ "Statistics of Examinations", 1923, JRSS "On the Use