243号电报(英语:Cable 243),是1963年8月24日时美国国务院发给美国驻越南共和国(南越)大使小亨利·卡波特·洛奇的一份态度鲜明的讯息,是引发1963年南越政变的关键因素。
“ | It is now clear that whether military proposed martial law or whether Nhu tricked them into it, Nhu took advantage of its imposition to smash pagodas with police and Tung's Special Forces loyal to him, thus placing onus on military in eyes of world and Vietnamese people. Also clear that Nhu has maneuvered himself into commanding position. (目前已很清楚,无论戒严令是由军部提出、或由吴廷瑈诱使其下此策,他已出动了忠于自己的警察和黎光松上校的特种部队抄了佛寺,还在全世界和越南民众的眼前把责任推给军方。此时同样清楚的一件事,就是吴廷瑈策划用计将自己推上指挥大位。) US Government cannot tolerate situation in which power lies in Nhu's hands. Diem must be given chance to rid himself of Nhu and his coterie and replace them with best military and political personalities available. If, in spite of all your efforts, Diem remains obdurate and refuses, then we must face the possibility that Diem himself cannot be preserved.[2] |
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“ | [The] US would find it impossible to continue support GVN militarily and economically unless [the] above steps are taken immediately which we recognize requires [the] removal of [the] Nhus from the scene. We wish [to] give Diem reasonable opportunity to remove [the] Nhus, but if he remains obdurate, then we are prepared to accept the obvious implication that we can no longer support Diem. You may also tell [the] appropriate military commanders [that] we will give them direct support in any interim period of breakdown [of the] central government mechanism.[2] (除非立即实施上述我方认为的、撤换吴廷瑈时所必须的措施,否则美国将不可能继续给予越南政府军事及经济上的支援。希望能给吴廷琰适当机会来把吴廷瑈换掉,但若吴廷琰依然故我的话,那我方将准备明确承认美国不再支持琰政府。你亦可通知适当的军方指挥官,说美方在中央政府垮台后的任何过渡时期,都将给予其直接支持。) |
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“ | Believe that [the] chances of Diem's meeting our demands are virtually nil. At the same time, by making them we give Nhu [a] chance to forestall or block action by [the] military. [The] Risk, we believe, is not worth taking, with Nhu in control [of] combat forces Saigon. Therefore, [we] propose we go straight to [the] Generals with our demands, without informing Diem. [We] Would tell them [that] we [are] prepared have Diem without [the] Nhus but it is in effect up to them whether to keep him.[2] (相信吴廷琰达到我方要求的可能性近乎零。与此同时会给吴廷瑈先发制人、或遏止军方起事的机会。吴廷瑈掌控西贡一带的战斗部队,故我们相信这种险是不值得冒的。建议绕过吴廷琰,直接跟将领们阐明我方需要,我方会告知他们,我方已准备将吴廷瑈从吴廷琰身边拔除,但实际上由他们决定是否要留下吴廷瑈。) |
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