打谷又称脱粒、脱谷[1][2],是指禾本科植物的可食用部分(种子)与秸秆分离的过程[3]。 一位印度农民正在打谷 以动物为动力的脱粒机 打谷历史 打谷用的连枷 在工业革命前,脱粒既费时又费力。 [4]18世纪后期脱粒机出现后,打谷效率迅速提高[5][6]。 参考文献 [1]thrash | Etymology, origin and meaning of thrash by etymonline. www.etymonline.com. [2022-07-29]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-16) (英语). [2]Sweet Clover: Harvesting and Thrashing the Seed Crop, by H. S. Coe, a Project Gutenberg eBook.. www.gutenberg.org. [2022-07-29]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-29). [3]threshing. encyclopedia.com. [22 February 2021]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-24). [4]Atack, Jeremy; Passell, Peter. A New Economic View of American History. New York: W.W. Norton and Co. 1994: 282–3. ISBN 0-393-96315-2. [5]The Bob & Diane Miller Collection - Wheat Threshing (1993). Texas Archive of the Moving Image. [November 19, 2019]. [6]Clark, Gregory. A Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic History of the World. Princeton University Press. 2007: 286. ISBN 978-0-691-12135-2. Wikiwand - on Seamless Wikipedia browsing. On steroids.