毡(图瓦语:кидис,罗马化:kidis;吉尔吉斯语:кийиз,罗马化:kiyiz)[1][2][3]是以动物毛料经湿、热、挤压等作用毡缩而成的片状布料,具备吸震和保温等功能,适于用作各种御寒用品、衬垫材料、鞋或帽子等。 自1960年代起开始以化学纤维制毡。化纤毡片是吸油的特效材料,能吸收毡本身重量约15倍的油分,为许多工业广泛使用。 参见 不织布 参考文献 [1]What's the difference between wool, acrylic, wool blend, and eco felt? Part 1 Wool.. 31 March 2009. [2]Acrylic felt & eco- felt (I.E eco spun) same damn thing! Part 2 of whats the difference between wool, acrylic, wool blend, and eco felt?. 1 April 2009 [30 January 2017]. (原始内容存档于19 October 2017). [3]Wool Felt Blends- part 3 of Whats the difference between wool, acrylic, wool blend, and eco felt?. 4 April 2009 [30 January 2017]. (原始内容存档于19 October 2017). 这是一篇与日用品相关的小作品。您可以通过编辑或修订扩充其内容。查论编Wikiwand - on Seamless Wikipedia browsing. On steroids.