History of Naxalism. Hindustan Times. 2007-01-03 [2008-10-26]. (原始内容存档于2009-01-20). Snippet:Communist leader Charu Majumdar wrote various articles based on Marx-Lenin-Mao thought during the period, which later came to be known as 'Historic Eight Documents' and formed the basis of Naxalite movement.
"The Indian Journal of Political Science, Volume 51", Indian Political Science Association, 1990. Snippet: ... The basic argument of these Historic Eight Documents may be summed up: (1) the Indian revolution must take the path of armed struggle, (2) it should be organized on the pattern of the Chinese revolution and not of the Soviet revolution, and (3) the armed struggle in India should assume the form of Mao Tse-Tung's "people's war" and not of Che Guevara's "Guerrilla War" ...
Marius Damas, "Approaching Naxalbari", Radical Impression, 1991, ISBN81-85459-01-0. Snippet: ... The documents are historic in the sense that a sharp departure from parliamentary cretinism began to take place and revolutionary politics was resolutely put forward combatting revisionism which was well entrenched in the communist movement in India ...