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勒罗伊·斯蒂尔奖(英语:Leroy P. Steele Prize)是一个数学奖项,由美国数学学会颁发。


这个奖项由1970年开始颁发,意向乔治·戴维·伯克霍夫威廉·佛格·奥斯古德威廉·卡斯帕尔·格劳斯坦英语William Caspar Graustein三位数学家致敬;奖项以捐款者勒罗伊·P·斯蒂尔命名。1993年,授奖委员会决定以三个类别来颁奖:终身成就、(数学)解说和开创性研究。







更多信息 年份, 得奖者 ...
年份 得奖者 授奖的相关论文/书籍
2020 Martin R. Bridson英语Martin R. Bridson
Andre Haefliger英语Andre Haefliger
Metric Spaces of Non-positive Curvature (译:《非正曲率度量空间》,1999年出版)
2019 菲利普·弗拉若莱(追颁)
Analytic Combinatorics(译:《解析组合学》)
2018 Martin Aigner英语Martin Aigner
Gunter M. Ziegler英语Gunter M. Ziegler
Proofs from THE BOOK
2017 杜萨·麦克多夫
Dietmar Salamon英语Dietmar Salamon
J-holomorphic Curves and Symplectic Topology(译:《拟全纯曲线扭对称拓朴学》) (AMS Colloquium Publications, 52, 初版 2004; 第二版 2012)
2016 David A. Cox英语David A. Cox
John Little英语John Little (mathematician)
Donal O'Shea英语Donal O'Shea
Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms (译:《理想算法》)
2015 Robert Lazarsfeld英语Robert Lazarsfeld Positivity in Algebraic Geometry I and II, 2004
2014 尤里·布拉戈
德米特里·布拉戈英语Dmitri Burago
A Course in Metric Geometry(译:《度量几何学教程》)
2013 John Guckenheimer英语John Guckenheimer
Philip Holmes英语Philip Holmes

Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and Bifurcations of Vector Fields(译:《非线性振荡动力系统向量场分岔》) (Applied Mathematical Sciences, 42, Springer-Verlag, New York, (1983出版); 更新版:(1990出版)).

2012 Michael Aschbacher英语Michael Aschbacher
Richard Lyons英语Richard Lyons (mathematician)
Steve Smith英语Steve Smith (mathematician)
Ronald Solomon英语Ronald Solomon
The classification of finite simple groups: groups of characteristic 2 type, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, 172, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2011.
2011 亨里克·伊万尼克 多本著作,包括:
  • Introduction to the Spectral Theory of Automorphic Forms
  • Topics in Classical Automorpic Forms
2010 David Eisenbud英语David Eisenbud Commutative Algebra: With a View Toward Algebraic Geometry (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 150, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1995. xvi+785 pp.)
2009 I.G. Macdonald英语I.G. Macdonald Symmetric Functions and Hall Polynomials (第二版, Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1995).
2008 Neil Trudinger英语Neil Trudinger Elliptic Partial Differential Equations of Second Order(译:《二次椭圆偏微分方程》),(与 David Gilbarg 合著)
2007 戴维·芒福德 代数几何方面的多本著作,包括The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes (Springer, 1988).
2006 Lars H英语Lars Hörmander The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators(译:《线性偏微分算子分析》)
2005 Branko Grunbaum英语Branko Grunbaum Convex Polytopes(译:《凸多胞形》)
2004 约翰·米尔诺 贡献繁多,且不止一个领域:拓朴学、 对称双线性形式 、 characteristic classes 、 莫尔斯理论博奕论、 algebraic K-theory 及 iterated rational maps 等。
2003 John B. Garnett英语John B. Garnett Bounded Analytic Functions(译:《有界解析函数》) (Pure and Applied Mathematics, 96, Academic Press, Inc. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers, New York-London, 1981, xvi + 467 pp.)
2002 Yitzhak Katznelson英语Yitzhak Katznelson An Introduction to Harmonic Analysis(译:《调和分析入门》)
2001 理察·史丹利 Enumerative Combinatorics (译:《计数组合学》)
2000 约翰·何顿·康威 研究领域和著作都相当多,领域遍及细胞自动机博奕论编码理论群论二次型等。
1999 塞尔日·兰 著作等身,较有名的是:
  • Algebra(译:《代数学》) [Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1965; Second edition, 1984; Third edition, 1993, ISBN 0-201-55540-9]
  • Algebraic Number Theory(译:《代数数论》) [Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1970; Second edition, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 110, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994, ISBN 0-387-94225-4].
1998 Joseph Silverman英语Joseph Silverman
  • The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves (译:《椭圆曲线算术》), Graduate Texts in Mathematics 106, Springer-Verlag, New; York-Berlin, 1986
  • Advanced Topics in the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves(译:《高等椭圆曲线算术的一些主题》), Graduate Texts in Mathematics 151, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994.
1997 Anthony W. Knapp英语Anthony W. Knapp Representation Theory of Semisimple Groups: An overview based on examples(译:《半简单群表示理论》), Princeton University Press, 1986
1996 Bruce Berndt英语Bruce Berndt Ramanujan's Notebooks, Parts I, II, III, and IV(译:《拉马努金的笔记本》(共4册)) (Springer, 1985, 1989, 1991, and 1994).
1996 威廉·富尔顿 Intersection Theory(译:《相交理论》), Springer-Verlag, "Ergebnisse series," 1984.
1995 让-皮埃尔·塞尔 Cours d'Arithmetique(1970年出版),英译本A Course in Arithmetic(1973年出版)
1994 英格丽·多贝西 Ten Lectures on Wavelets(译:《小波分析十讲》)
1993 沃尔特·鲁丁
  • Principles of Mathematical Analysis(译:《数学分析原理》)
  • Real and Complex Analysis(译:《实分析与复分析》)



   246 · 320 · 59 · 76 · 112 · 133 · 17 · 19 · 23 · 29 · 31 · 41 · 47 · 59 · 71
= 808,017,424,794,512,875,886,459,904,961,710,757,005,754,368,000,000,000
≈ 8×1053.


  1. 不限领域(下次以据此条件颁奖的年份:2025)
  2. 数学分析概率论(下次以此领域颁奖年份:2026)
  3. 代数数论(下次以此领域颁奖年份:2021)
  4. 应用数学(下次以此领域颁奖年份:2022)
  5. 几何学拓朴学(下次以此领域颁奖年份:2023)
  6. 离散数学数理逻辑(下次以此领域颁奖年份:2024)
更多信息 (译:〈关于没有长度为 ...
年份 得奖者 授奖的相关论文/书籍
2020 Craig Tracy英语Craig Tracy
Harold Widom英语Harold Widom
"Level-spacing distributions and the Airy kernel," (published in 1994 in Communications in Mathematical Physics).
2019 肥田晴三英语Haruzo Hida Galois representations into GL2(Zp[X]) attached to ordinary cusp forms, Inventiones Mathematicae, 1986.
2018 Sergey Fomin英语Sergey Fomin
Andrei Zelevinsky英语Andrei Zelevinsky
Cluster algebras I: Foundations(译:〈团代数I:基础〉) , the Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 2002.
2017 Leon Simon英语Leon Simon Asymptotics for a Class of Non-Linear Evolution Equations, with Applications to Geometric Problems, Annals of Mathematics, 1983 .
2016 Andrew Majda英语Andrew Majda
  • The existence of multidimensional shock fronts(译:《多维激波波面的存在性), Vol 43, Number 281, Memoirs of the AMS, 1983.
  • The stability of multidimensional shock fronts(译:《多维激波波面的稳定性》), Vol 41, Number 275, Memoirs of the AMS, 1983.
2015 Rostislav Grigorchuk英语Rostislav Grigorchuk Degrees of growth of finitely generated groups and the theory of invariant means (首先以俄语于1984年发表于《Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Matematicheskaya》。一年后有英译版。).
2014 Luis Caffarelli英语Luis Caffarelli
Robert Kohn英语Robert V. Kohn
Louis Nirenberg英语Louis Nirenberg
Partial regularity of suitable weak solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations. Communications Pure and Applied Math, vol 35 no 6, 771-831 (1982).
2013 萨哈让·谢拉赫 Classification Theory and the Number of Nonisomorphic Models (Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, 92, North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam–New York, 1978; 2nd edition, 1990).
2012 威廉·瑟斯顿 低维度拓朴学的贡献
2011 英格丽·多贝西 Orthonormal bases of compactly supported wavelets (译:〈紧致支撑的一些小波的正交基〉) (Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 41 (1988), no. 7, 909-996).
2010 罗伯特‧格里斯英语Robert Griess
  • A construction of F1 as automorphisms of a 196,883-dimensional algebra (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 78 (1981), no. 2, part 1, 686–691)
  • The friendly giant(译:〈友善巨人〉 ,现统称为魔群) (Invent. Math. 69 (1982), no. 1, 1–102).
2009 Richard S. Hamilton英语Richard S. Hamilton Three-manifolds with positive Ricci curvature(译:〈正里奇曲率张量的3-流形〉) J. Differential Geom. 17 (1982), 255-306.
2008 塞迈雷迪·安德烈 On sets of integers containing no k elements in arithmetic progression(译:〈关于没有长度为的等差数列的整数集〉), Acta Arithmetica XXVII (1975), 199-245.
2007 凯伦·乌伦贝克
  • Removable singularities in Yang-Mills fields(译:〈杨-米尔斯场里可移去的奇点〉), Communications in Mathematical Physics, 83 (1982), 11-29
  • Connections with bounds on curvature, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 83 (1982), 31-42.
2006 Clifford S. Gardner英语Clifford S. Gardner
John M. Greene英语John M. Greene
Martin D. Kruskal英语Martin D. Kruskal
Robert M. Miura英语Robert M. Miura
KortewegdeVries equation and generalizations. VI. Methods for exact solution, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 27 (1974), 97–133.
2005 罗拔·朗兰兹 Problems in the theory of automorphic forms(译:〈自守形式理论上的一些问题〉), (Springer Lecture Notes in Math. 170 (1970), 18-86). (参见朗兰兹猜想。)
2004 Lawrence C. Evans英语Lawrence C. Evans
Nicolai V. Krylov英语Nicolai V. Krylov
2003 Ronald Jensen英语Ronald Jensen
Michael D. Morley英语Michael D. Morley
Ronald Jensen:he fine structure of the constructible hierarchy (Annals of Mathematical Logic 4 (1972) 229–308);
Michael Morley :Categoricity in power (Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 114 (1965) 514–538).
2002 Mark Goresky英语Mark Goresky
Robert MacPherson英语Robert MacPherson (mathematician)
  • Intersection homology theory(译:〈相交同调论〉), Topology 19 (1980), no. 2, 135–62 (IH1)
  • Intersection homology. II(译:〈相交同调论II〉), Invent. Math. 72 (1983), no. 1, 77–129 (IH2).
2001 Leslie F. Greengard英语Leslie F. Greengard
Vladimir Rokhlin英语Vladimir Rokhlin, Jr.
A fast algorithm for particle simulations(译:〈一个可用于粒子模拟的快速算法〉), J. Comput. Phys. 73, no. 2 (1987), 325-348.
2000 Barry Mazur英语Barry Mazur Modular curves and the Eisenstein ideal(译:〈模曲线与艾森斯坦理想〉), Publications Mathematiques de l'Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, no. 47 (1978), 33-186.
1999 Michael G. Crandall英语Michael G. Crandall
  • Viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations(译:〈哈密顿-雅可比方程式:带黏度的解〉)(与P.-L. Lions合写), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 277 (1983), 1-42,
  • Generation of semi-groups of nonlinear transformations on general Banach spaces (与T.M. Liggett合写), Amer. J. Math. 93 (1971), 265-298.
1999 约翰·纳什 纳什嵌入定理(1966年)
1998 Herbert Wilf英语Herbert Wilf
Doron Zeilberger英语Doron Zeilberger
Rational functions certify combinatorial identities,(译:〈有理函数可用于验证组合恒等式〉) Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 3 (1990) 147-158.
1997 米哈伊尔·格罗莫夫 Pseudo-holomorphic curves in symplectic manifolds (译:〈扭对称流形上的拟全纯曲线〉), Inventiones Math. 82 (1985), 307-347
1996 Daniel Stroock英语Daniel Stroock
  • Diffusion processes with continuous coefficients I and II(译:〈带连续系数I和II的扩散作用〉), Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 22 (1969), 345-400, 479-530.
  • On the support of diffusion processes with applications to the strong maximum principle(〈关于扩散作用的支撑,及在强极大值原理上的应用〉), Sixth Berkeley Sympos. Math. Statist. Probab., vol. III, 1970, pp. 333–360.
  • Diffusion processes with boundary conditions(〈带边际条件的扩散作用〉), Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 34 (1971), 147-225; Multidimensional diffusion processes(〈多维度扩散作用〉), Springer-Verlag, 1979.
1995 Edward Nelson英语Edward Nelson
  • A quartic interaction in two dimensions in Mathematical Theory of Elementary Particles, MIT Press, 1966, pages 69–73.
  • Construction of quantum fields from Markoff fields in Journal of Functional Analysis, 12 (1973), 97-112.
1994 Louis de Branges英语Louis de Branges 比贝尔巴赫猜想的证明
1993 George Daniel Mostow英语George Daniel Mostow Strong rigidity of locally symmetric spaces, Annals of Mathematics Studies, number 78, Princeton University Press (1973).



一个实6维的卡拉比-丘流形的2维切面,其中的“卡拉比”是1991年得奖者欧金尼奥·卡拉比英语Eugenio Calabi





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