ފެންފެން (fen) (複數 ފެންތައް) 水 Hassan Ahmed Maniku, A Concise Etymological Vocabulary of Dhivehi Language (2000)
arabiamiututaviisianni arabiamiutut oqaasilimmi Akhbar.dk-mi allaaserisakkut imamiusimasoq Ahmed Akkari allappoq, nammineq islamistit pisuusaartut Myhammedimik ajornartorsiorneq
navel-stringstring navel-string (複數 navel-strings) umbilical cord (“臍帶”)之同義詞 1936, Rollo Ahmed, The Black Art, London: Long,第 82 頁: One love potion was composed of the
she-wolfshe- + wolf she-wolf (複數 she-wolves) 雌狼 1936, Rollo Ahmed, The Black Art, London: Long,第 212 頁: In some trepidation the priest and his friend accompanied
ބަތް(bata)同源。 國際音標(幫助): /bat̪/, [bæʔ] ބަތް (bat) (複數 ބަތްތައް (batta)) 米飯 Hassan Ahmed Maniku (2000年),“”,A Concise Etymological Vocabulary of Dhivehi Language,Colombo:The