


奇努克犬肩高應達到21至27英寸(53至69厘米),重55至90英磅(25至41公斤),體態均稱,肌肉發達。 聯合犬業俱樂部英語United Kennel Club (UKC) 的品種標準[1]則指,「理想中的顏色可以是淡蜂蜜色至帶紅色調的金色的黃褐色,眼睛內角最好有黑色標記,最好耳朵和口鼻上都有暗黃褐色至黑色的色調。不允許白色標記存在,但在臉頰、口鼻部、喉嚨、覆蓋腿部、爪子和下側的米色標記則仍可接受。」其他不是黃褐色的顏色會被UKC視為瑕疵,而白化症犬隻則會失格。而一些品種標準只要求有黃褐色中等長度的雙層毛,口鼻部和耳朵有暗色陰影,不過依然不允許白色和其他毛色的狗。眼睛則是 棕色至琥珀色的,耳朵的形態可以隨意,但以下垂為佳。至於頭顱就該比其他雪橇犬種來得方正很多,而牠們的尾巴則是與別種北極犬種常見的刷狀或羽飾狀尾巴不同,呈毛茸茸的軍刀狀。總括而言,奇努克犬看來比較像是承繼了獒犬類血統多於貌似狼或者狐狸而多毛的狐狸犬類英語Spitz







奇努克犬的起源可以歸功於新布罕夏州Wonalancet, New Hampshire亞瑟·特蘭德威爾·華爾登。牠們的血統主要可以追溯到一隻生於1917年同名的雄犬,是華爾登的領隊犬和種犬,是一隻曾參與皮里最後一次北極探險的母哈士奇和一隻貌似獒犬的棕色大狗的後代,而從現存照片中可見,是一隻具有獒犬典型的寬頭和口吻的垂耳狗。華爾登把牠和比利時牧羊犬德國牧羊犬加拿大愛斯基摩犬等各種犬隻配種,並且回交以固化他想要的特質,使其遺傳更為穩定。


華爾登在育空有多年經驗,是位經驗豐富的狗橇駕駛;也曾是 Arthur Walden was an experienced dog driver with years of experience in the Yukon; he was the lead driver and trainer on Byrd's 1929 Antarctic expedition. He is credited with bringing sled dog sports to New England and with founding the New England Sled Dog Club in 1924. The 12-year-old "Chinook" was lost on the Byrd expedition.

Control of the core breeding stock passed from Walden to Julia Lombard and from her to Perry Greene in the late 1940s. Greene, a noted outdoorsman, bred Chinooks in Waldoboro, Maine, for many years until his death in 1963. Rare and closely held by Greene who was for many years the only breeder of Chinooks, the population dwindled rapidly after his death. By 1981 only eleven breedable Chinooks survived.[2] Breeders in Maine, Ohio and California divided the remaining stock and managed to save the type from extinction.

The Chinook obtained registered status with the UKC in 1991;[1] current numbers of registered animals are around 800. Only about 100 puppies are born annually worldwide. The registry has a cross-breeding program under which Chinooks are bred to individuals of other breeds thought to have contributed to Chinook development; fourth-generation backcross descendants of such crosses may be accepted as UKC purebred Chinooks if they meet the Chinook Owner Association's Cross Breeding Program requirements.[2]

Chinooks joined the American Kennel Club (AKC) Foundation Stock Service[3][4][5] in 2001 and were later added to the AKC's Miscellaneous Class in 2010.[6] Finally, in January 2013 the Chinook became the AKC's 176th breed and joined the working group.[7] Chinooks are still working for recognition from other major kennel clubs.

Working life

Although still used for recreational dog sledding by some owners, Chinooks today appear to be used largely as family pets. Individuals are also used for dog-packing, search and rescue, skijoring, and obedience and dog agility trials.


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