(原始内容存档于2025-01-14). Peterson, B., & Phillis, M. (2025, January 9). Fire hydrants ran dry in southern California just when they were needed most. AP News. https://apnews
control state),意即州政府可壟斷酒精的銷售。阿拉巴馬州酒精管制局控制州內含酒精飲品的銷售和分佈。67個縣當中有25個禁酒縣(英语:Drycounty),甚至縣容許銷售酒精的同時還有禁酒市。 此州兩名參議員分別是理查·謝爾比和 湯米·圖伯維爾 ,兩人都是共和黨人。謝爾比起初在1986年以民
Certain Place Names in the United States. Govt. Print. Off. 1905: 131. Wet/Dry Status of Arkansas Counties. University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture