,成立于1884年,旧称為纽约市肿瘤医院。其主院址位於約克大道(英语:YorkAvenue / SuttonPlace)1275號,位於曼哈頓第67街和68街之間。 纪念医院于1884年以纽约市肿瘤医院(英语:New York Cancer Hospital)为名,由约翰·雅各·阿斯特三世(英语:John
Park) and which is bounded by 25th and 29th Streets, between Madison Avenue and Avenue of the Americas, has seen very little new construction since the Great
在第六大道和公園大道之間能找到以下高級精品店: Brown, Patricia Leigh. "Three Worlds of 57th Street: The World of Shopping" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) The New York Times (April 24, 1988)