sent to GameSpot, Penny Arcade, and other sites. Thompson emailed GameSpot, claiming that he had fixed the URL for Penny Arcade (which was incorrect in
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(原始内容存档于2012-08-01). Golden Axe Warrior. Sega Pro. Old Death Adder is back, but before you try to defeat him, remember that there's no arcade action – just lots of
モンスターバトルロード)是街机卡片交换游戏游戏系列,游戏通过收集印有怪兽能力的实体卡片与他人战斗。 Cassidy, William. The GameSpy Hall of Fame: Dragon Warrior. GameSpy. 2002-02-01 [2013-05-18]. (原始内容存档于2011-06-03) (英语)